19 Tips & Tricks For A High Converting Contact Form

Written by The Kong Team

On February 25, 2020

I can almost hear it now.

In fact, I’ve actually heard it a thousand times before.

“But forms are just forms?”

People who don’t want bookings, leads and sales think like that.

It’s scary to think there are a few things you could do right now on your contact form that could double or even triple your conversions.

It wouldn’t even take more than a few minutes…

You see, high converting forms have a few hidden traits that most people don’t know about.

These secret characteristics are the reason why some websites are literally drowning in new leads and bookings, and why others keep looking at their watch waiting for something to happen.

When you put them all together, these hidden characteristics form the ultimate checklist – one that’ll turn your contact form into a business-boosting machine.

Now, imagine you had this checklist?

<Drum Roll Please>

That’s exactly what I want to give to you today.

Simply read on to get your hands on it…


Contact Forms: The Ultimate Checklist For More Conversions


19 Tips & Tricks For A High Converting Contact Form Infographic


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