The 6 Factors That’ll Determine How Well Your Landing Page Converts

Written by The Kong Team

On January 23, 2019

Let me guess…

You watch some of the bigger guys in the marketing space, and there are certain things that jump out to you.

The crazy numbers they’re getting…

The thousands of leads that’re signing up to them each and every day, as if like clockwork…

The millions of dollars they’re making month in and month out…

I’m willing to bet you wish you knew the secret to their success?

Today I’m going to show you exactly how they do it, and the secret conversion ingredient they all use.

It’s not some crazy mathematical formula, it’s certainly not some algorithm they have locked away, and it’s not some secret tool they’re using either.

It’s landing pages.

Or more specifically, dedicated high-converting landing pages.

I know right, sounds kind of bland doesn’t it?

But the thing is, no matter where their (and your) potential customers are in sales funnels, landing pages are responsible for converting them into leads, customers and ultimately stark raving fans.

Landing pages are where the conversions – and the magic – happen.

Simply put, landing pages are where the money is made.

But you can’t just throw up a page and expect the leads and customers to start pouring in, oh no, it doesn’t work like that (if only).

You see, only certain factors will affect the success of your landing page, and Unbounce recently did a study of 18,639 landing pages to find out exactly what these factors were.

They discovered that six specific factors determine how well your landing page converts.

Today I’m going to show you what they are.

Simply read on to discover them…


6 Factors For A High Converting Landing Page


The 6 Factors That’ll Determine How Well Your Landing Page Converts


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